The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: Being Present in the NOW… Jan 15, 2014

January 15, 2015

The Daily Echo: Being present in the NOW. from Dr. Eric Lane on Vimeo.

Today Dallin and I talk with you about being present in the Now. What does it mean to be present in the NOW? Dave Blanchard the CEO of the Og Mandino group has been trying to drive this point into my head for the past few months. I have come to learn that I have many times in my life been there physically but not so mentally. Becoming present in the now is to have all of you there. Both physical and mental. Og in the scrolls says that means when we are at work our mind and body is at work and when we are home our mind and body are at home. How many times do we sacrifice the last few days of a vacation worrying about the office the coming monday? Let’s all strive harder to become present in the NOW..

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