The NFL has the same problem as the rest of America: The main thing is no longer the main thing. Freedom and merit used to be the main things in America. Now it’s pronouns and safety. It’s a woman’s world. Sixty years ago, we pivoted to equality, a standard man and government cannot guarantee, a goal that paves the road to the kind of chaos and division that rule modern America. The NFL is just like America. The league is overrun with people who don’t love the game or know its history. Roger Goodell is in charge of the NFL’s southern border. He’s allowed the Alphabet Mafia, Marxists, and feminists to radically change the focus of the league. #jasonwhitlock #fearless #blazetv #nfl #rogergoodell #america #joebiden #biden #woke #left #politics #blm #blacklivesmatter #pridemonth #pride #spiritday #lgbtq #lgbtqia #alphabetmafia #equality #diversity #dei #diversityequityandinclusion #inclusion #collapse #football #politics #sports #podcast CLICK here to Subscribe to Jason Whitlock’s YouTube: CLICK here to Listen to Jason Whitlock’s podcast: CLICK here to Follow Jason Whitlock on Twitter: