Missing internal rotation of your shoulders may never cause pain (although it might), but it can cause dysfunction and loss of performance, not to mention a head that dumps forward, a back that rounds, and positional/rotational capacity of the head & neck.
Input is the name of the game. Where we see input in the periphery, we see better relationships at the trunk and spine. Once we appreciate the role of the shoulders in deriving stability through the trunk, we can improve the function of the cervical and thoracic spine. And maybe just put an end to those neck aches from working at a computer all day.
About The Ready State:
The Ready State is the new home of MobilityWOD. The Ready State provides athletes, coaches, and humans of all walks of life the tools to Relieve pain, prevent injury, and improve physical performance. Subscribe to the Virtual Mobility Coach for customized mobility coaching, tailored to your body and lifestyle. Start a 14-day FREE TRIAL today at https://bit.ly/TRSFree_Trial.
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