The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: Push Up Level 1 The Basic Shape with Carl Paoli. July 3, 2021

July 3, 2021

The Move Strong program is designed to assist you in bringing to life the principles of Freestyle by guiding you through a progressive series of instructional videos that feature: – Squatting Mechanics – Squat, Lunge, Pistol, and Rolling Pistol. – Pushing Mechanics – Push Up, Dip, Kipping Dip, Handstand Push Up, and Kipping Handstand Push Ups – Pulling Mechanics – Row, Pull Up, Kipping Pull Up, Muscle Up, and Kipping Muscle Ups. In addition, I have broken each movement down into progressive levels that range from 1 to 5 and can be applied into a Four Phase Program structured to challenge your movement strength, stamina, and endurance. This program can be accessed as a member of Carl’s Community:…

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