Is watching porn bad? Is porn addiction really bad for you? How exactly is pornography harmful, and how do you break the habit if it has started to negatively impact your life and relationships? Read the article:… Do you watch porn? Statistically, probably. According to the Huffington Post, porn sites get more visitors each month than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Porn is often positively pushed as a way to enhance sex lives, release stress, and teach sex education. But the truth is very different. What if you knew that watching porn actually decreases your enjoyment of sex over time, can damage relationships and cause early erectile dysfunction. Porn floods your brain with dopamine- the chemical in your brain that makes you feel pleasure. But over time, your brain begins to fight back, adjusting itself so other things in your life like family, relationships, sports, food, etc., won’t make you feel as happy as they used to. Porn users are often forced to seek out harder and more extreme forms of pornography, Or use it more frequently to get the same dopamine high they are used to. It is addictive. Did you also know that porn actually makes viewers less attracted to their real sexual partners? “…Studies have shown that even casual viewing of porn can cause the viewer to feel… less satisfied with their partner’s looks, sexual performance, and willingness to try new sexual acts.” Source: That’s right, Porn makes actual sex less enjoyable. Over 50% of porn addicts have lost interest in sexual intercourse. Source: Chronic porn addiction can contribute to early erectile dysfunction in men, because actual sexual encounters no longer turn them on as much. Pornography, both violent and non-violent forms, also weakens your ability to have a real relationship, affecting how you see and bond with other people. “When one partner uses porn at a high frequency… there can be a tendency to withdraw emotionally from… relationship[s]. Those men report “increased secrecy, less intimacy and also more depression.” Source: “Is pornography addictive?” by Kirsten Weir Pornography impairs one’s ability to enjoy a normal emotional, romantic, and spiritual relationship with a person of the opposite sex… As conscience is desensitized, patrons of pornography are led to act out what they have witnessed, regardless of its effects on their life and the lives of others. Source: Dallin H. Oaks, LDS Apostle and Former Utah Supreme Court Justice Pornographic material often portrays aggressive and abusive behavior that promotes the mistreatment of others for personal pleasure, which is too often copied in real life sexual encounters. The hard truth is that porn actually damages love, instead of encouraging it. You can stop the cycle. Click the link now.
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