Whenever I find a piece of equipment that can improve your training and decrease your chances of injury I am the first to promote it. In today’s echo we highlight a small piece of equipment that can analyze you body in under 4 minutes. This small piece of equipment can measure you Cardiac “readiness” and your Central Nervous System “readiness” with very accurate results. It’s called OmegaWave and take a look at an Olympic gold medalist using this technology as well as a high school baseball player. OmegaWave is already a big player in professional sports in Europe and the US. By monitoring these levels daily you will know what training will help you and times you are more likely to get hurt. I have seen multiple examples where the athlete is told to rest and recover for up to 2 weeks because they have overtrained and are very close to breaking down. When they listen to the OmegaWave data they increase in most measurable statistics to better perform injury free. You don’t have to be a pro to use OmegaWave. My wife and I have used OmegaWave and seen it prove it self over and over again.
The Daily "ECHO"