The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: Carpe Diem….How to Journal with Brian Johnson: February 3, 2020

February 3, 2020

This morning I felt inspired to bust out the ol’ iPod (not using my phone these days) and go old school with a behind-the-camera video capturing my morning journaling process.

Quick context: We’re launching our Mastery Series on Feb 11th (Join us!!) and we have a “Carpe Diem” journaling process that’s a HUGE part of the whole program.

Short story: We encourage you to get clarity on what we call “The Big 3”: Energy + Work + Love. Then we encourage you to get clarity on your Optimus-best Identity for your Energy + Work + Love. Who are you at your BEST Energy-wise? Work-wise? Love-wise? We spend a lot of time on this in the program. THEN we ask, “What VIRTUES does that best version of you embody. Then we challenge you to LIVE THEM TODAY. Hence, “Carpe Diem!!!”

THAT, we think, is one key way to move from Theory to Practice to Mastery and win the ultimate game of life.


I’m playing around with another Carpe Diem journaling format. Same Big 3 of Energy + Work + Love. Then we run those through THE TOP 3 virtues science says are most highly-correlated with well-being: Gratitude + Hope + Zest.

All part of a longer chat but hope you enjoy!


P.S. We have that longer chat (and a LOT more of them) in our Mastery Series and Coach programs. It all kicks off FEBRUARY 11th and we’d LOVE to help you make 2020 THE greatest year of your lives.

So… If you feel so inspired, JOIN US!

← We have a 2-week free trial, btw. Get instant access to EVERYTHING. 1,000+ Optimize +1s, 500+ PhilosophersNotes, 50 Optimal Living 101 classes AND the 250-day Mastery Series program. Only $8-$13/mo after the trial depending on the plan you rock.


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