The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: Who’s teaching your children values? Jan 27, 2015

January 27, 2015

The Daily Echo: Who's teaching your children values? Jan 27, 2015 from Dr. Eric Lane on Vimeo.

For my wife and myself our children and now our granddaughter are our greatest treasures. I am sure many who read this will agree whole heartedly. Raising children takes time and commitment. At times it’s much easier to put a TV in front of them than to read them a story. Over the years entertaining our children has become easy with the tablets, iPhones, and gadgets. In today’s episode I discuss the average 17 year old has watched and/or listened to over 30,000 hours of TV and music. I am sure you will agree that is a bunch of conditioning for these young minds. Is it any wonder that the value system of our society is vastly different from 20 years ago. The great thing is we can all something about this. Take note of some suggestions I make today and implement them in your families lives.

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