In almost 25 years of practice I have found multiple tools to help treat all kinds of musculoskeletal issues. About a year ago I happened to run into Donny “Super D” Thompson… Many who know the world of Power Lifting you already know Donny. What most people don’t know about Donny is all of the innovation that has come from him. Donny was the first to introduce Voo-Doo flossing, as well as Fat-Bells and the list goes on and on. His massive size and strength may cause you to think the stereo-typical image of not a very smart guy. But Donny is a innovative as he is strong. On today’s episode Donny is Demoing what he calls the “Ex-Wife”…..A 130lbs rod of metal that he used to Body Temper. I have had great success using not only the “Ex-Wife” but other of Donny’s Body Tempering tools ranging from 20lbs to 180lbs. I think as data begins to come in we will look back and wonder why we did not use this long ago. You will be amazed at how good 5 minutes of Body Tempering feels. Take a look at today’s clip.
The Daily "ECHO"