Mental and Emotional Challenges can be the most difficult thing we can experience. Hope seems lost, the sun appears to never rise again. In these times the person does not always think rational and despite the words and love of those around them they can’t seem to see the hope in the future. On today’s echo Elder Jeffrey Holland discusses this tender topic and how we can apply it in our lives.
Hope is never lost. Trust in God. Hold on in His love. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed.
Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend. That love never changes. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it. It is simply always there. Never, ever doubt that,
Believe in miracles. Hope is never lost. Depression, anxiety, and other mental illness can be healed through proper medical care and the healing power of God.