The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: How Can You and I Light the World? Week #1: December 2, 2018

December 2, 2018

The answer to How we can all Light the world better is simply – GIVE. Yes give your time, talents, and love to others. As we enter Week 1 of Light the World try each day to look around you and GIVE something to someone else. Giving is not defined by a price tag. Giving is defined by making a positive difference in the lives of others. Many times it will merely be YOU Giving YOU…. Time is the greatest gift we can give another. Give them your Time…Listen to them….Understand them….Find out more about them and then ACT on the impressions you get on ways you can serve them. Go out and have a great week lighting the world. You might find it the best week of your life when you focus on others.

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